Today, walked past some sort of a kindergarden then outside pasted some pictures done by the kids.
"Drawing Expressions"
Cute right... *hehe* Then also upload some pictures for the previous posts...
881 Soundtrack..
Mango that HE bought...JPG)
#1 What does the word 'dating' means to you?it can mean anything, depending on the perspective you're looking at..
Usually a guy asks a girl out on a 'date'. Assumingly he lyks her.
(PS: it can happen vice-versa) or sometimes, it can be jus a casual company,
sometimes nothing at all and sometimes, just for fun.
to me ..i think HE is weird. if SHE isnt interested, do you think HE have a chance to ask HER out for a date? even if it's just for fun? LOLx..
MEN... *thinking* somehow reminds me of
JJ. haha. Today he mentioned about women using that tone n expression when saying that word,
btw, thank
HIM for chasing the uncle to buy that thai mango thing for me. it was really sweet.. also cooking bee hoon for me. although it is salty, its the tots that counts right?? *HuGGieS*
it's 4.35am in the morning.. im so dead..
tmr im going for a movie..
waking up at 11am..
now just finish editting the blogskin only..
haha..anyway im sure not everyone is so crazy lyk me..
hor? oya, my mum bought the 881 soundtrack cd..
had it transferred into her phone!
then, my dad taunt her by saying, he has aredy done so.. -.-
i have weird family..
Oh well.. time to go bed liao.. nights..
tmr den upload the pictures for the 881 soundtrack..
heh.. huggies..
I've done blogging before, but always cos of some unhappy stuff, i get new ones.. haha.. anyways. i promise to stick to this one okie?? hehe.. i shall have this blog be a depiction of my life.. me and just me...
my first post... hmm.. *thinking* AH~!
*What does blogging mean to me?
#1: I think blogging is a venue i can get all my feelings out..#2: I think blogs as a company..#3: I think blogs allow me to feel free about being myself..*What do i think about myself?
#1: FAT!#2: Emotional...
#3: more to come..*What do i wish to achieve?
#1: My own all-in-1 salon.#2: A Jack Russell name CHUBBY.